Discover Major Findings Relating to Smoking in England

Smoking in England is the portal through which major findings from the Smoking Toolkit Study and other national data are made available to policy makers, clinicians, researchers, journalists and the general public. Details on the methods are at the bottom of this page

Monthly trends on smoking in England from the Smoking Toolkit Study.

Vera Buss, Robert West, Loren Kock, Dimitra Kale, Jamie Brown

Last updated: 16th October 2024

ABC1: Professional to clerical occupation; C2DE: Manual occupation

Govt advert = Government TV\radio\press advert; NRP = nicotine replacement product.


Data collected during monthly household survey.

Running since November 2006 and has accumulated more than 290,000 respondents of whom more than 60,000 are ‘last-year smokers’.

Each month involves a new representative sample of 1700-1800 adults (16 and over).

Due to the pandemic:

  • The March 2020 survey did not complete face-to-face collection at short notice and is missing
  • To present trends, March is interpolated as the average of Feb and April
  • From April 2020 to December 2021, surveys were conducted by telephone and among adults aged 18 and over. From January 2022 data collection resumed among those aged 16 and over.

Between November 2020 and February 2022, ~0.8% of cases in England were incorrectly weighted 0. This has now been updated and some point estimates over this period have changed slightly (typically 1 d.p.) compared with earlier versions.

Fidler, et al., 2011. 'The smoking toolkit study': a national study of smoking and smoking cessation in England. BMC Public Health 11:479